Chapter 1. Twelve-tone Organic Non-Linear Composition

TONL Composition Introduction

Chapter 2. How did the TONL method come to be


Chapter 3. For the newcomer to the 12-tone method

Serial Music Brief

Chapter 4. Brindle’s Categorisations

The Row

Chapter 5.

Short Series and Long Series

Chapter 6. What makes TONL different from other methods?

Principles of TONL

Chapter 7. Row analysis, interval inventory, chord inventory

Green Thumb Row

Chapter 8. Examples, bi-directional row usage, tonal implications

What is TONL?

Chapter 9.

Stability and Homogeneity

Chapter 10.

Contradictory Tones

Chapter 11. Method 1, creating a plan

Getting Started Pt.1

Chapter 12. Method 2, composing without a plan

Getting Started Pt.2

Chapter 13. Tendency tones, counterpoint, resolutions

Interval Treatment

Chapter 14. Analysis, interval inventory

Analysis of Rom-Com Sketch

Chapter 15.


Appendix. Complete scores, reductions and arrangements
